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Wiz Kidd • 1 year ago

14:42 The dust particles in the light 😳 Detail!

LesK • 1 year ago

yeah that conclusion to the 40-year-old case... TERRIBLE! the way the cabin on location is filmed shows that angle of stab is impossible. when the actress walks in the front door, look at the window in the exterior wall closest to the camera... see the height? even if the land the cabin is on slopes SEVERELY upwards you could NOT stab somebody WITH A FRUIT KNIFE straight into their abdomen like the 'speculation shots' show. leaning out a window that high up a wall would mean the stab went towards the victim's face, neck, or shoulders NOT the abdomen. remember, builders/architects HATE putting LARGE exterior windows on different levels on different walls around the exterior of a house. the load bearing designs have to be altered slightly when you raise and lower windows along a single wall. that means the framers' illustrations for windows and wall studs and bracing along that wall is NOT the same as the other three walls (without an exterior door). but of course floorplans vary, and every one of the four walls of that cabin could have been different and the 'speculation shot' could be off as to the level of the outside dirt and the inside floor. also, the height of the window the stab happened through could be different than the window by the front door. but it is a cabin out in the woods near a lake not a residential house right on the lake. other than basic natural light and pretty views of the lake... that cabin isn't (i guess!) lived in 24/7/365. so a 'cookie cutter' wall design for the three sides of the cabin would be exactly the same. maybe. i would want Conan to visit (on screen) the actual cabin in the woods and do some measurements with that cameraman showing where the camera was in that room, where the chairs and tables and etc. were... everything. then the granddaughter stands outside the suspected windows (since she has about the same height and build as the dead girl), and Conan and the cameraman check angles etc. to see if an abdominal stab is really possible.

Nanashi • 1 year ago

Don't u think u just expect too much from this dc series at last it's a work of fiction it's not reality it will be different fron reality

LesK • 1 year ago

nope, i expect a lot from it. some of the filler writers at TMS have been working on this show since the 1990's. Aoyama-sensei himself has said in more than one interview he appreciates law enforcement in Japan and asks many questions of his 'consultant' when he writes the stories utilizing police resources and personnel. for the 'technical stuff' or for some of the most complex 'tricks' the mangaka consults his brother, who is some flavor of scientist. but Aoyama-sensei has yet to reveal what kind of scientist he is or if his brother is older or younger.

strange guy • 1 year ago

It’s quite forgettable too

bari • 2 years ago

just a joke but i am finding kaito HAAHA

nanimono desu • 3 months ago

I dont understand the thought behind those decisions. Why drive away, its a stab wound, you can get treated. How she managed to stab her, stabbing someone needs considerable force. Seems little too far fetched

kaye • 9 months ago

I don't get about the how beika tower shining lights through the curtain concluded the speculation theory

My brain's prolly a mush (ㆆᴗㆆ)

β€”β€” • 1 year ago

Agasa is 20 years younger than the camera man, let that sink in.

strange guy • 1 year ago

Pretty forgettable case

Sailor Jupiter • 1 year ago

They should do more of these Cold Cases, it'd give the writers a lot more to work with if they can have Conan solving old cases and potentially putting criminals in prison who've been roaming free for decades

Wiz Kidd • 1 year ago

WataKoro... "I killed [her]!!"

LesK • 1 year ago

the conclusion to the modern case. obvious. shrug. there's only 1 person in the room for the 'deduction show' it could be. as to the connection to the 40-year-old case i freely admit i forgot the modern case suspect was even connected. i forgot the goatee guy was the cameraman's nephew.